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21-Day Purification Program


Introduction to Purification

The purification program rebuilds and cleanses the body from the inside out. This program guides you through twenty-one days of cleansing, nourishing, and building healthy lifestyle habits. Eating whole, unprocessed, preservative-free foods, taking whole-food supplements, and drinking plenty of water will help the body purify itself throughout the twenty-one days.


If you're feeling tired, overloaded, or simply want to jump-start a healthier lifestyle, the purification program could be a great option for you. The program has been shown to reduce the symptoms of a body overloaded with toxins: symptoms include stuffy head, reduced mental clarity, joint pain and stiffness, dull skin, or fatigue and difficulty sleeping.

The program helps your body cleanse and purify with the assistance of your organ systems - the liver, kidneys, and digestive system are all put to work to renew themselves and the rest of your body and mind. Studied benefits of the program include decreased blood pressure, improved cholesterol readings, and BMI and weight reduction. View the Logan Chiropractic College study here.



There are a number of supplement products associated with the 21-day program that work to boost your body out of it's toxin-filled rut and into a healthier, happier state. Here you'll find a short summary of each, but click the link provided or read through supplement details via Patient Information for a full description of each.

SP Cleanse was developed and is used to support the body's natural detoxification pathways. It supports healthy kidney, liver, and gallbladder function. It also encourages healthy digestive function and elimination.

SP Complete or SP Complete Dairy Free provide a nutritious base for many purification shake recipes. It provides amino acids for cellular repair, supports intestinal and immune system health, and provides antioxidant activity for the body.

Gastro-Fiber (capsules) orWhole Food Fiber (powder) both support healthy elimination and encourage a healthy intestinal environment for proper intestinal flora. Gastro-Fiber is a mixture of psyllium husk, collinsonia root, fenugreek powder, apple pectin, and fennel seed fiber. Whole Food Fiber is a mixture of rice bran, carrot, sweet potato, apple pectin, oat, and beet.

The Standard Process 21-Day Purification Program guided booklet is an invaluable resource as you decide when and how you can best achieve your goals with the program. Available here in PDF form, a printed copy will also be provided for you when you embark upon your program. Additional literature includes the free PDF version of 1° of Change, which includes a host of recipes, information on foods to indulge in and avoid, strategies for successful purification, and much more. Should you prefer a printed copy, we offer hardback copies of 1° of Change within the practice for a small charge.

Standard Process even offers a free smartphone application to make sticking with your program simpler. It helps you track your food and activity, offers delicious purification-friendly recipes, has a supplement reminder feature, and more! Check it out on Google Play or the App Store.


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