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Patient Information: Supplement Detail Sheets

Supplement Details

If you've just been prescribed a new supplement and are wondering what it's for and what it can do for you, you're in the right place. Here we've put the most comprehensive and up-to-date information available for Standard Process and MediHerb supplements all in one place, easy to access at any time. We want you to know and understand what you're putting in your body, so with each of these sheets, you'll be able to learn about the supplement's active - and inactive - ingredients, their use historically, how they work in your body, the research that reinforces their use, and what bodily systems they support. Each time a new supplement is added to your schedule, please return here and learn about it in the same way you are doing now, and as always, return to us with any questions and we'll be happy to answer them.


A-C CarbamideAdrenal (Desiccated)Adrenal ComplexA-F Betafood

AlbaplexAlbizia ComplexAllerplexAndrographis Complex

AntronexArginexAstragalus Complex


B6-NiacinamideBacopa ComplexBetacolBetafood

Betaine HydrochlorideBilberry 6000mgBio-DentBiost

Black Currant Seed OilBone ComplexBoswellia Complex

BroncafectBroncafect PhotosyngergistBurdock Complex


Calamari Omega-3 LiquidCal-AmoCalcifood PowderCalcifood Wafers

Calcium LactateCalcium Lactate PowderCal-Ma Plus Calsol

Cardio-PlusCardiotrophin PMGCat's Claw ComplexCat's Claw Forte

CatalynCatalyn ChewableCatalyn GFCataplex ACataplex A-C

Cataplex A-P-CCataplex BCataplex B12Cataplex B-GF

Cataplex CCataplex DCataplex ECataplex E2Cataplex F tablets

Cataplex GCataplex GTFCayenne PepperCellular Vitality

Chaste TreeChelaCoChezynChlorophyll Complex

Chlorophyll Complex OintmentCholacolCholacol IICholaplex

CholineCircuplexCod Liver OilColaxColeus Forte

Collagen CCollinsonia RootCongaplexCongaplex Chewable

Copper Liver ChelateCramplexCranberry ComplexCruciferous Complete

CyrofoodCyro-YeastCyruta Plus


DermaCoDermatrophin PMGDisodium PhosphateDong Quai

DrenaminDrenatrophin PMG


Echinacea PremiumEchinacea-CEleutheroE-Manganese

EmphaplexEnzycoreEpimune Complexe-Poise

Euphrasia ComplexEvening Primrose Oil


FemCoFen-ChoFen-GreFerrofoodFolic Acid B12


Garlic (Organically Grown)Garlic 5000mgGarlic ForteGastrex

Gastro-FiberGingko 2000mgGingko SynergyGlucosamine Synergy

Golden Seal 500mgGut Flora ComplexGotu Kola ComplexGymnema 4g


HawthornHepatrophin PMGHerbal Throat SprayHerbaVital

HiPepHorsechestnut ComplexHypothalamexHypothalamus PMG


ImmuplexInositolInositol PowderIodomereIplex


No supplements are currently offered under this category.


No supplements are currently offered under this category.


Lact-EnzLactic Acid YeastLigaplex ILigaplex IILinum B6

LivaplexLivCoLivTon Complex


Mammary PMGManganese B12Min-ChexMin-Tran

MultizymeMyo-PlusMyotrophin PMG


NervagesicNeuroplexNeutrophin PMGNevaton

Niacinamide B6Nutrimere


Oculotrophin PMGOkra Pepsin E3OPC SynergyOrchex

Orchic PMGOrganically Bound MineralsOstarplexOstrophin PMG

Ovatrophin PMGOvexOvex P


PalmettoplexPancreatrophin PMGParaplexParotid PMG

Phosphood LiquidPituitrophin PMGPneumotrophin PMGPrebiotic Inulin

Prolamine IodineProstaCoProstate PMGProst-X



No supplements are currently offered under this category.


RegeneplexRehmannia ComplexRenafoodRenatrophin PMG

ResCoRhodiola & Ginseng ComplexRibonucleic Acid (RNA)


SaligesicSenaplexSesame Seed OilSilymarin

Soy Bean LecithinSP CleanseSP CompleteSP Complete Dairy Free

SP Green FoodSpanish Black RadishSpleen (Desiccated)Spleen PMG

St. John's Wort - IMTSt. John's Wort 1.8gStandardBar: Berry

StandardBar: Cocoa CherryStandardBar: Cocoa CrispStandardBar: Peanut Butter

StandardBar: Soy Almond CrunchSuper-EFFSymplex FSymplex M


ThymexThymus PMGThyroid ComplexThytrophin PMG

Trace Minerals B12TribulusTuna Omega-3 OilTuna Omega-3 Chewable


USF OintmentUtrophin PMG


Valerian ComplexVasculinVitanox


Wheat Germ OilWheat Germ Oil FortifiedWhey Pro Complete

Wild Yam ComplexWithania ComplexWormwood Complex


No supplements are currently offered under this category.


No supplements are currently offered under this category.


Zinc Liver ChelateZinc TestZymex CapsulesZymex II

Zymex WafersZypan

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